Mitch Langerak dream debut vs Bayern München 26 Feb 2011
The Aussie aim keeper tends to make his Bundesliga debut for Borussia Dortmund in opposition to Bayern Munich in front of a promote out crowd of 66000 followers.
Video clip Rating: 5 / five
I LOVE British Football-Reporters… 😉
17 minuts and 25 minutes on the clock?
Go Mitch!! We always said he’d make the big league one day and he is well on his way! (PS He’s 22! stupid commentators)
Thank You Melbourne Victory for training him this great goaltending… I hope Mitch will stay many years in Dortmund until he`ll go in the british Premier League.
mitch langerak aint 20 years old he was born on the 22/8/88
Solid debut from the lad.
Gebe ich “Minitrapper” recht. Mitch ist ein riesiges Talent, aber Weidenfeller ist zurzeit einer der besten Torhüter in der BL.
Mitch wird Weidenfeller würdig vertreten, wenn er seine Karriere beendet!
Good Game Mitch!
that last save was a beauty! he has got a lot of potential…. in a country that is known for producing great keepers!
Dieser “Weidenfehler” ist derzeit der zweitbeste Keeper der Liga. Bei allem Talent das Mitch aufzeigt, aber so schnell kommt er an einen Weidenfeller nicht vorbei.
Not really, Langerak still has to learn, for example he could catch few balls but he punched them away. But he is a great hope for future.
mitch > weidenfehler
great game Mitch!! nive save against Gomez 🙂
‘Mark Schwahhzer’ lol